

What is the name of the scent that skunks give off?

Updated: 4/2/2020
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14y ago

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skunk smell... haha something like that.

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Q: What is the name of the scent that skunks give off?
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Both are mammals, in that they have red blood, have similar bone structure, and give birth to live young. Pigs are a furlessanimal that can weigh over 300 pounds. Skunks are a small furry rodent with scent glands used to ward off enemies. Domestic pigs have no enemies other than man.

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They are usually trying to defend themselves because they feel threatened.

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you do know a skunk is an animal not a spliff...... The plant gives off a bad odor because it attracts pollinators and keeps animals from eating the plant. The odor is not harmful to touch or stench. It's odor lets out when the leaf is broken or opened.

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I am pretty sure that Natural Scent is referring to the lovely scents of other nature related life. Such as oak trees and roses and the beautiful smell they give off.

Do lions eat skunks?

Lions do not live in any of the places where skunks live. If they did, though, they still wouldn't eat skunks. Lions don't typically eat small prey, and if they did attack a skunk, the skunk's spray it would release in self defense would ward off the lion.

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Nothing happens. If it is not real amber just rubbing it will give off the scent of plastic.

Why can't skunks spray off the ground?

it is small

What is a stink gland?

Stink glands are glands on certain insects and mammals that are designed to give off an odor. Skunks and stink bugs are two such animals. The stink glands are mostly used for self-defense, though they may play a role in finding partners to mate. Then there are certain mammals that have scent glands. Their odor is not as offensive, and they tend to play a role in communication and mating.

What makes the skunk odor?

Skunks use scent glands, as a weapon, found on each side of the anus. These glands produce a mixture of sulfur-containing chemicals such as thiols, traditionally called mercaptans. The odor of the fluid is strong enough to ward off bears.