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There is no little man who turns off the light. There's a little switch in the middle that the refrigerator turns off when it shuts.

There is so a little man who lives in the fridge. I have seen him. You have to open the door quick enough and you can see him running away. He is about 2 inches tall and where a green shirt and overalls.

  • His name is Yahoowee. I am unsure of the spelling. He lives in the refrigerator and hides out in there, usually behind the milk. He comes out of the refrigerator and will turn on the lights in the kitchen and leave them on. My dad would always blame Yahowee whenever no one in the family would admit to leaving lights or not putting things back where they belong. My dad knew knew this little guy very well.
  • i heard this little guy's name was used in WWII as a password. If you didn't know his name you could get shot!
  • My father could have answered this question and even shed some light (pun not intended) on the origins. Sadly he passed away in 2006 at the age of 86. He could answer any question about sports, the funny pages and politics. He was a very happy and kind man.
  • I think this was an advertising gimmick. I believe the little man is named "Monty" and he was responsible for shutting off the light in refrigerators sold by Montgomery Ward.
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Q: What is the name of man in the fridge who turns off the light - and why is he named that?
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