

What is the myth of Styx and Lethe?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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13y ago

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Lethe is the Underworld river of oblivion/forgetfulness.

Styx is the Underworld river of hate, upon which the gods and goddess swear oaths upon.

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Q: What is the myth of Styx and Lethe?
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The Styx is one. It could make mortals immortal. Sorry, don't know any others. Styx, Acheron, Cocytus, Phlegethon and Lethe are the five rivers of the underworld.

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the river Lethe and the river Styx. if there are more then I don't know them

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Lethe isn't a word used alone; in Greek Myth it is a name for the Underworld river goddess of forgetfulness/oblivion.

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There are five rivers: Styx, Lethe, Acheron, Cocytus, and Phlegethon. They symbolized hate, oblivion, sorrow, lamentation, and fire respectively.

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There are Five rivers according to Greek Mythology: Acheron (woe), Cocytus (wailing), Phlegethon (fire), Lethe (forgetfulness), Styx (across with which spirits of the dead were ferried also the river of dreams lost because of death)

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One of the four rivers of the Underworld was named Lethe, which means oblivion.

What is the name of the river of forgetfulness?

It is called Lethe.

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No: Percy Jackson does not exist in Greek Myth- he is the creation of Rick Riodan.

How was the river Lethe of Hades created?

The river Lethe was associated with Lethe a goddess of forgetfulness. Making her a daughter of Eris or Oceanus.