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Q: What is the most powerful influence over a student's attitude and behavior toward alcohol use?
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Related questions

How do students use attitude in school?

Rolling the eyes is a big one. Ignoring an adult and not following directions are all part of attitude. Some students like to bully teachers and that is attitude. Speaking over and interrupting a teacher is also attitude and disrespectful.

What are the roles of a chapel prefect?

They make sure that the students are of good behavior

How the teacher's attitude effect the students in learning?

If a teacher have positive attitude it will effect all over personality of the student and increases its learning power.

Why do teacher have attitude?

They usually don't. If their students think they do, their students are getting it backwards. The teachers are the authority figures; students are required to do what they say. That's not "attitude", that's just how things are. Some of your teacher's problem with you may be that you can't manage simple English noun-verb agreement.

Does dress code affect students' learning abilities?

It seems to affect their attitude, behavior and decorum. All of this helps them to concentrate on their studies. Dress codes are found not just in schools but in workplaces and social events. It is part of belong to a civilized society.

How can self-discipline and attuitude influence learning?

Self-discipline and attitude are two traits that affect a students learning. Students need to know how to react whether they don't understand something, received a bad grade, or are having a bad day. Acting up will not fix this and it does not help the student or the class. Attitude is a big obstacle for many students as they believe it is impossible to learn something, therefor they prevent themselves from even having a chance at learning it. A self-disciplined student will learn and prevent, rather then misbehave, then complain.

Will all students with ADHD demonstrate the same characteristics of behavior?


What could you do if you could not control your students as a teacher?

A teacher who has difficulty controlling the students could ask for help and ideas from other teachers or from the principal and school administration. The teacher could set up a behavior system with expectations for classroom behavior with consequences for poor behavior and rewards for good behavior. The teacher could also look at each individual student. Maybe there are some students who need additional help or counseling. Maybe there are students who could benefit from placement in a different classroom or program. Maybe there are students who need to be separated from other students.

Use the word jibe in a sentence?

The boys obnoxious attitude did not jibe with the other students.

Operational definition of attitude?

It is the behaviour and thoughts of Nursing students towards dying and death.

Research shows that young college students who learn that other students have a more lenient attitude about drinking will?

learn to be more cautious about drinking

Are college students more civilized than high school students?

It depends on they're behavior. And opinion about things,