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That teamwork makes the dream work.

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Q: What is the moral of Aesop's Fable about teamwork?
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What is the name of Aesops fable whose moral is slow and steady wins the race?

The fable is called "The Tortoise and the Hare." The moral of the story is that consistency and perseverance are more important than relying solely on talent or speed.

Which of these is the best definition of a fable?

A fable is a made up story that can involve animals or people. They are usually made to teach a lesson and are very fiction. Some people follow the moral of fables. Examples are; The Crow and The Pitcher. Search Aesops fables for more.

What type of story has a moral at the ending?

A story with a moral at the end is typically referred to as a fable or a parable. These types of stories often use animals or other characters to convey moral lessons or teachings to the readers. The moral of the story is usually found in the conclusion or a specific lesson that can be learned from the characters’ experiences.

Are aesops fables made for children?

Aesop's Fables are commonly read by children, but they were originally intended for adults. Each fable contains a specific moral lesson, and the story made them easy to understand.

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Is the moral of a fable?

It is the message of the fable.

What is the moral of the the mice in council in aesops fable?

MORAL: Little friends may prove great friends.when ever you promise someone something, always remember to keep that promise.

Is an example of a moral a fable?

Not always. A fable may have a moral, or it may not. Aesop's Fables usually had a moral.

What is the moral of fable?

The Moral of a fable is a short folk or fairy tale with the primary purpose of influencing moral behavior.

What are aesops fables about?

There is usually a moral or life lesson in many of Aesops fables. Some are cautionary, some an illistration of what happens if you don't walk the right path.

What is the moral of the stone cutter fable?

The moral to the stone cutter fable is dont be greedy. Be grateful for what you have.

In a fable what is a moral?
