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More correctly known as a D and C meaning dilatation and curettage, it's a surgical procedure that literally scrapes out the uterus, removing the remnents of the aborted fetus' amniotic sac and other uteral material of the pregnancy.

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Q: What is the medical Term meaning DNC after miscarriage?
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Dnc prices after a miscarriage?

The price of a DNC after a miscarriage will depend on if the woman has insurance or not. The price would be reduced if the procedure is covered by insurance,

Do a women have to have a dnc after an early miscarriage?

Only if there are remains.

Why do you need a DNC?

If you seek abortion and is between 6-14 weeks or if you had a miscarriage and not everything came out.

What is DNC for women mean and what its abbreviation?

DNC for women stands for dilation and curettage, a medical procedure commonly used to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions. It involves dilating the cervix and scraping tissue from the uterus.

Why DNC operatian is done?

To clean the womb after a miscarriage or to have an abortion in a pregnancy between 6-14 weeks.

What does the medical abbreviation DNC mean?

D&C, which many people hear as "DNC," mean dilation and curettage.

What is DNC?

The DNC is the Democratic National Committee. But I suspect you meant "D&C" or "D and C." That is an abbreviation of a medical procedure known as Dilation and Curettage, which is the scraping of the lining of the uterus. It is frequently done after miscarriage. If you google on D&C (no spaces), a number of good hits are returned. WebMD is another excellent medical resource.

What happens if you don't get a DNC after miscarriage?

Most people do not seek a D&C after a miscarriage but this can cause some problems. You could end up with an infection or be left with parts of the fetus in your body.

How long after a miscarriage do you get a dnc?

Well only if you are unable to naturally past the baby should you get a dnc done. Some women their bodies can rid themselves of the child while others need help.

What is better medication to abort a pregnancy or miscarriage or a DNC?

You can get a servcice scholarship by contacting the college you will be attending. Not all schools approve this scholarship.

I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks but the doctor says i lost it sometme ago and they want me two return in two weeks to have a DNC do you think i should go sooner to have this done?

I was in the same situation. I had a DNC the next day after I found out my baby past away. But it is still safe to not have it done in a hurry. Your body fights the baby off. A DNC will just clean you out afterward.

Is it necessary to have an scan after a miscarriage?

Yes. The fetus may not be reabsorbed into your body and you would have to have a DNC (they remove the remains surgically). If you feel you have had a miscarriage, you should go to a doctor and get a pelvic exam including an ultrasound to check for other problems that could develop.