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Dead Sea

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Q: What is the lowest place on land in the world?
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How low is the lowest desert in the world?

The Dead Sea is the lowest place on land that's below sea level, at 1,378 feet.

What is the lowest place?

The lowest place on land is the Dead Sea. The lowest place anywhere is the Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

What is the lowest place on earth's land?

the dead sea area

What is the lowest place on land in the Northern hemisphere?

The Dead Sea.

What is the lowest land area in the world?

Death Valley, Nevada.

What is the lowest land level in world?

The Dead Sea in Israel.

What is the lowest place land depression in the USA?

In terms of altitude, the lowest elevation in the Western Hemisphere is in Death Valley. The elevation in the lowest point is 86 meters below sea leve

What is the lowest place in the world?

its mount everest. hehe just kidding

What is the lowest land in Britain called?

The lowest land in britan is called the Fens or fenland.

Where is the lowest point below sea level in the world?

there is no lowest point level in sea .( as much as i know ) . Look at it this way. there is a cycle . Under land there is water and under water there is land . It kind of like a cycle !

What is the lowest point on land in the world?

Dead Sea The lowest point on land on earth is at the Dead Sea, on the border of Jordan and Israel. The Dead Sea lies at 1,312 feet (400 meters) below sea level.

What is the lowest place on Earth land or water?

Marianna's trench, it is on a plate boundary line. we have explored it but never reached the bottom.