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* The output is not constant. It varies during different times of the day and is seasonal.

* Can't be controlled.

* Initial Capital Cost is very high .

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Q: What is the limitation in obtaining energy from wind?
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One limitation of wind power is that?

One limitation of wind power is there is no power supplied when the wind is not blowing. It cannot be used as a great dependable source of energy.

Which is an advantage of obtaining energy from the wind rather than from fossil fuels?

wind is a renewable energy source ,while fossil fuels are nonrenewable .

Which is a limitation of using wind energy to power a town?

The power output of wind turbines varies according to local weather.

Why can't we rely only on wind energy?

There is area limitation of potential wind energy site. If the wind speed is lower than 7 m/s the cost of running would not be too good. It could provide substantial portion of energy but wind energy alone is not sufficient for our size of population.

What are the limitations of wind energy?

Wind is a futuristic energy source geared to replace fossil fuel in the near future. However, it has limitations in terms of its velocity and volume required to move wind turbines. Due to this limitation, the wind energy has to be extracted in specific locations where it has enough volume and velocity to be economically extracted.

What type of pollution is created from obtaining energy from wind power?

There is no air, land or water pollution from wind power. Wind turbines in use have a noise which some people call noise pollution.

What is one limitation of wind power?

it is intermittent

Where do orginisms get energy from?

There are 2 ways, 1.obtaining chemical energy 2.obtaining light energy

What is the definition of obtaining energy?

to take in energy

What is mean by wind energy?

wind energy is energy that is caused by the wind a example of this is wind turbines

Why is wind energy called solar energy?

Wind energy is not called solar energy. Solar energy is the energy from the sun, while wind energy is just wind energy.

What is called wind energy?

Wind energy is just called wind energy.