

What is the glass jellyfishs coloration?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is the glass jellyfishs coloration?
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The lions mane jellyfishs' status has not been listed by the IUCN

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Well, I'm guessing no. They just kinda float around, no need for senses.

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Coloration is not a behavior, it is an adaptation. Warning coloration is an example of defensive behavior.

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Large types of jellyfish's can reach 8 feet diameter, with tentacles reaching 150 ft long.

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coloration having a protective function; sometimes used in a restricted sense for warning coloration only.

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Scientists do not know much about dinosaur coloration. We only know the coloration of a few types of small, feathered dinosaurs, some of which had bright coloration.

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geese are not poisonous or otherwise dangerous, so their coloration is not warning away other animals. They do have predators though, so their coloration is for camouflage.

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They have disruptive coloration.

Is there technologu that is unknown to the public?

There are some documented "lost" technologies developed by the alchemists. Examples include flexible (bendable) glass and methods for coloring metals through (not just surface coloration, as in anodized aluminum).

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