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Bile assists the digestion of fat.

Bile separates fat molecule from one another and prevents them from clumping back together. This makes them more susceptible to actual digestion by a pancreas enzyme called pancreatic lipase.

further, bile is an alkaline and can be used by the body to neutralize digestive acid.

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13y ago

Bile functions as an emulsifier. When fats, and oils, are emulsified, they are turned into tiny droplets that are easier to break down further by enzymes. To help you visualize this: Just think of Italian salad dressing in a bottle with three clear layers. The one on the bottom is water, the one in the middle is vinegar, and the one on top is oil. When you shake the bottle, it all turns cloudy because the oil has been emulsified, or turned into tiny droplets. Bile does the same thing in the duodenum, the first section of the small intestine, which is the next place food goes after it leaves the stomach. In here, the tiny droplets of fat are broken down further by the addition of pancreatic lipase from the pancreas. When the fats are broken down into the tiniest particles, glycerides and fatty acids, they enter the lymphatic system through lacteals in the intestinal villi and are then distributed throughout the body.

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9y ago

The function of bile in triglyceride digestion is to breakdown fats into smaller particles that are easy to digest. This process is known as emulsification.

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13y ago

Bile salts emulsify the fats by surrounding the fat molecule and allowing it to break down.

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Q: What role does bile salt play in the digestion of fat?
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Is bile the same as bile salts?

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In addition to the alimentary canal, vertebrate digestive systems include the following accessory organs: The liver secretes a substance called bile into the gallbladder, where it is stored for eventual use in digestion. Bile is a fluid mixture composed of bile pigment and bile salt. Bile pigment is a waste product resulting from destroyed red blood cells. Bile salt plays an important role in preparing fats for digestion. The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile secreted by the liver. Fatty food in the small intestine triggers contractions in the gallbladder, releasing bile into the bile duct, which transports it into the small intestine. The pancreas produces a fluid mixture, called pancreatic juice, composed of digestive enzymes and a bicarbonate buffer, which balances the pH levels in the digestive tract. The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes into the small intestine, where it is used to break down proteins, starches, and fats.

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What is a bea?

It is a small organ that aids digestion and stores bile produced by the liver. It is prized in Chinese/Asian markets for its supposed medicinal is situated closer to the pancreas.the bile stored secrets the substance named "BILE SALT"

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What is a bile salt?

A bile salt is the sodium of a bile acid, produced by the bile to neutralize the products leaving the stomach and to emulsify fatty material in it.

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What happens in digestion when bile duct is blocked?

if bile duct is completely blocked then the bile juice and bile salt will not be secreted and the digestion of fats will not be done. the food coming from the stomach is acidic and has to be made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act. bile juice from liver accomplishes this in addition to acting on fats. fats are present in the intestine in the form of large globule which makes it difficult for enzymes to act on them. bile salts break them down into smaller globules increasing the efficiency of enzyme action. alll this cannot take place if the bile duct is blocked.

What role does the bile play in digestion?

Function of Bile juiceBile juice helps in emulsificaton of fats.How Bile emulsifies fatsBile is alkaline solution. Its molecules have dual nature (one end is attracted to water molecule while other is attracted to aft molecule). Thus its molecules remain in between water molecules and fat molecules (emulsification process).If bile molecules were not present between fats and water, the fat molecules would be repelled by water molecules and be attracted to each other. The fat molecules would merge together because fats are insoluble in water. The merged fats would not be easily broken down with lipase (fat digesting enzyme).So bile attractes the fat molecules and separate them from each other. It makes the fat digestion easier.

How do bile salts help with digestion?

bile salts emulsify fats and solubilize them ,thus the are absorbed.Bile salt is completely necessary for digestion in the body. They help to break down the fat in our body that otherwise could not be digested. The bile salts help to break down the fat molecules into smaller parts, and they are then easily digestible by the small and large intestine.After the bile salts are done doing their job, they are returned back to the liver and recycled, and are used again when they are needed. Bile salts are basically sodium based salts that are all derived from the liver.

How do bile salts exert antimicrobial activity?

I'm still working on this one myself. Bile functions as a biological detergent that emulsifies and solubilizes lipids, thereby playing an essential role in fat digestion. This detergent property of bile also confers potent antimicrobial activity, primarily through the dissolution of bacterial membranes. Bile salts are bile acids that have been conjugated to glycine or taurine. Bile breaks down fat into a more soluble form for digestion. Cell membranes of bacteria are made of phospholipid bilayers (lipids make up fats) which can be compromised by the bile (therefore the protection given by the cell membrane is lost and the cell can easily lyse, lose its contents). Also, as the bile salt breaks down to acid form, this could also be harmful to some bacteria. There may be more, but that's how I understand it, so far.

How the accessory organs aid digestion?

The digestive system in the human body has several organs that aid in digestion. The liver is an accessory organ that produces bile which is made of dead red blood cells and salt. The salt aids in breaking down fats. The gallbladder aids the liver by storing bile. A very important accessory organ in the body is the pancreas. The pancreas aids in breaking down the proteins, starches, and fats.