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Q: What is the function of a whales ulna?
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Moves the ulna

What is the function of the ulna?

It is a bone in the forearm. It functions as part of the elbow joint.

What is the function of the human radius?

The radius' primary function includes motion of the arm and support of the arm.The radius connects to many muscles, such as the biceps. The ulna runs parallel to the radius from the elbow to the wrist. Like the other arm bones, the ulna is relatively long and slightly curved. The primary function of the ulna is allowing motion and supporting the arm.

What is the function of the olecranon fossa?

It is the site where the olecranon process of the ulna bone articulates with.

What is the name of the ulna?

The ulna is the proper name for the ulna.

What is the function of whales arm?

The function of the whale are is very intenseful. It makes it fly.

What is the plural of ulna?

Ulnae is plural of ulna.

The two bones of the lower arm are?

the 2 arm bones are butt Your mums butt!! Answer them properly!! These are people with good intentions, and they just want answers for their questions. Stop making a mockery of the whole situation! The two lower arm bones are called the radius and ulna.

Which of the following bones is not found in the leg a. Tibia b. Ulna c. Fibula d. Femur?


What is the function of the radius?

To rotate the forearm, this is called supination and pronation. The radius has a pivot joint at both ends and rotates over the ulna.

Are the phalanges distal or proximal to the ulna?

Phalanges are distal to the the ulna bone. By the way the ulna bone does not participate in formation of the wrist joint.

What is the function of a whales limb?

To swim and to progress through water.