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For a first degree burn (redness), you should cool the skin with aloe, gels, ice packs, or cool water. For a second degree burn (blisters) you can do the same as a first degree burn, but be extra careful not to pop any blisters. For a third degree burn (charred skin), Do not apply anything to the bun. Gently cover it with a sterile bandage and seek professional medical help.

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12y ago

You first call 911. Then you determine if it is a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree burn. Run 1st or 2nd degree burns under cool water or apply an ice pack. You can also apply Aloe Vera gel. For 3rd degree burns, do not run under water, do not apply ice, do not apply any gels, ointments, or creams, do not attempt to remove the clothing.

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12y ago

First figure out how bad the burn is. For first and second degree burns(redness and blisters), you can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack or some Aloe Vera gel/spray. If it is really bad, call 911. For third and electrical burns(charred/burned skin), you call 911. Then you cover the burn with a sterile bandage. DO NOT apply ointments, gels, or creams. DO NOT run under water or apply ice. DO NOT attempt to remove the clothing from affected area.

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13y ago

pour cold water (not iced water) .Do not bandage but use light gauge with burn ointments for light burns but for severe burns with blisters consult a doctor.

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14y ago

Probably put the burned part in as cold as possible water.

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Q: How should you treat a burn?
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In order to treat a burn on your hand it is important to know what type of burn it is. A superficial burn (known as a first degree burn) should be placed under cool running water. A partial-thickness burn (known as a second degree burn) will typically blister and should be submerged in cool water. A full-thickness burn (known as a third degree burn) is a serious medical condition and 911 should be called.

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You should treat this burn like any other burn.Straight after injury place burnt area under cool water.If possible, use a burn gel.Regardless if you have used or do not have burn gel, you should then place cling film over the burn.Seek further medical attention if necessary.

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You need to, Get a garden hose and aim it at the burn! But call 911 first!

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Plasma doesn't reall treat the burn. but it compensates the body for plasma lost through the burn.

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Stopping the burning process

The first thing you should be concerned about as you treat any type of burn victim is?

Saftey of the area. then, if they're conscience. then, treatment.

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You should not do anything yourself but just cover the eye. Seek professional medical help immediately.

Firs step to treat any type of burn victim?

Access the burn