

What is the effect of soccer?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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The coolness of jubeability! Oh Yeah. You may fink(think) that this is a stupid answer, but I fink(think) you should look at ur question!

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Q: What is the effect of soccer?
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A Pass is undertaken when a player having possession the soccer ball (football) moves the ball to another team player in effect Passing the Ball

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All friction affects a moving object, the source of the friction and the object moving is irrelevant. Water on a soccer ball would effect the performance of the ball.

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the strongest part of a soccerball is where you pump in the air that way if you kick it there you will get alot of effect

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Does air pressure inside a soccer ball effect it's bounce?

yes. higher pressure = better bounce

Who does bad weather effect football players?

I think you meant to write "How does bad weather effect football players" and if that is the case then it dosent because there are no delays in soccer unless it is really severe.

What effects how far the soccer ball travels when kicked?

Primarily the direction of movement, the spin on the ball and the movement of the surrounding air (wind). The effect is called the "Magnus Effect" (google that to get more details).

How much does snow effect goals in a European soccer game?

Players slip a bit more but if they score they get to make snow angels.

Does stitching effect the distance of a soccer ball?

No this is simply to hold the ball together, it does not affect the distance the ball travels in any way.