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Q: What is the earliest you can file for unsupervised probation?
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Related questions

Are your charges still considered pending while you are on unsupervised probation?

No, but if the unsupervised probation is violated for a new charge then it can be revoked.

Can you own a gun while on unsupervised probation in the state of Missouri?

Can you get gun in Missouri while on probation

What happens if are on unsupervised probation and receive DUI?

Most probation have a condition that you not be charged with additional crimes for the duration of your probation. It is possible, if your crimes are unrelated in nature, that it may not be a violation, but it seems likely that DUI is a violation of common probation terms. Even though you are unsupervised, it's not as if they won't check on your record periodically.

Does the period for probation begin on the arrest date or the conviction date?

Neither actually, Probation starts either A. the first time you make contact with your Probation Officer (Supervised) or B. when you are finally sentenced to probation (unsupervised)

Can you move to Ga from alabama on unsupervised probation?

u can go anywhere anytime all you want

Do you need to sign any paper work to get off unsupervised probation?

Probation must be terminated by the court that sentenced probation. There may or may not be documents for the probationer to sign, depending on local practice.

What are the different types of probation?

Intermediate probation, intensive probabtion, strict probation, and "file drawer" probation.

Is it a bad idea to drive if you are on unsupervised probation for skipping school?

Read your probation papers. Unless you are forbidden to drive, (or you're driving while still skipping school), it is probably okay to do so.

Can you own a handgun on unsupervised probation in Arizona?

It depends on several factors. You should check with a local attorney versed in Arizona gun laws.

How do you file a condition modification for probation?

File it with the Clerk of Court's office in the form of a "motion" to the judge.

If im on unsupervised probation in Colorado will they find out about a class c misdemeanor warrant from Nebraska?

Interstate laws allow for them to send and receive information from one state to another.

What is penalty selling alcohol to minors in Ohio?

two people i know recently received a $625 fine and 1 year unsupervised probation in Ohio. wood county