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A nectarine has been selectively bred to have a slick skin with none of the fuzz of a peach. Other than that it's hard to tell the difference. Nectarines are a little more tart, but they taste very similar to a peach. You can use them just like peaches in baking or in making jams and preserves.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Peaches, nectarines and apricots are all members of the prunus family, like plums. Peaches and nectarines are most closely related to one another. Fruits have genetic features like all living things. Peaches have a certain dominant gene and a certain recessive one. When the dominant gene is prominent the fruit is called a peach; when the recessive gene is prominent it is called a nectarine. Physically, peaches are larger than nectarines; have a larger, rounder stone (pit); and have a fuzzy outer skin. Nectarines are smaller, with a smaller and flatter stone, and have a smooth outer skin. Nectarines are also sweeter in taste than peaches. While nectarines grow on their own trees, because they are so closely related to peaches, occasionally you will find a nectarine growing on a peach tree. Apricots are similar to peaches, but tend to be darker in color. They too have a fuzzy outer skin, but they are a different fruit entirely from peaches. Yes, apricots look like peaches and even taste a little like them, but they are not the same. The flavor, while similar, is not identical and, to a discerning taste bud, is easily differentiated from peaches and nectarines. While it is not possible to adequately describe the flavor of any of these three fruits, it should suffice to say they are all quite tasty. In terms of sweetness, nectarines are the sweetest; peaches taste very similar to nectarines, only not quite as sweet; apricots have a somewhat deeper, more complex flavor and are the least sweet of the three. Peaches, nectarines and apricots are all members of the prunus family, like plums. Peaches and nectarines are most closely related to one another. Fruits have genetic features like all living things. Peaches have a certain dominant gene and a certain recessive one. When the dominant gene is prominent the fruit is called a peach; when the recessive gene is prominent it is called a nectarine. Physically, peaches are larger than nectarines; have a larger, rounder stone (pit); and have a fuzzy outer skin. Nectarines are smaller, with a smaller and flatter stone, and have a smooth outer skin. Nectarines are also sweeter in taste than peaches. While nectarines grow on their own trees, because they are so closely related to peaches, occasionally you will find a nectarine growing on a peach tree. Apricots are similar to peaches, but tend to be darker in color. They too have a fuzzy outer skin, but they are a different fruit entirely from peaches. Yes, apricots look like peaches and even taste a little like them, but they are not the same. The flavor, while similar, is not identical and, to a discerning taste bud, is easily differentiated from peaches and nectarines. While it is not possible to adequately describe the flavor of any of these three fruits, it should suffice to say they are all quite tasty. In terms of sweetness, nectarines are the sweetest; peaches taste very similar to nectarines, only not quite as sweet; apricots have a somewhat deeper, more complex flavor and are the least sweet of the three.

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14y ago

Shape, size, color, flavor. Pears also don't have pits.

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14y ago

A peach is fuzzy skinned and a nectarine is smooth skinned.


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11y ago

plum is smaller than a peach

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