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A laptop is a personal computer that has a full-sized keyboard, a monitor that opens up and built in storage drives. Similar to a laptop, a notebook is a personal computer with a full-sized keyboard and monitor that opens up, but unlike a laptop, it does not have built in storage, rather it has ports that allow external drives to be connected. A netbook is essentially a smaller sized notebook.

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Q: What is the difference between laptop notebook and netbook PCs?
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What is the difference between a notebook, a netbook, and a laptop?

A netbook is a small laptop that's more portable but slower, a notebook is usually the same as a laptop but used to mean a smaller unit. Laptops are usually the largest of the three classes.

What is the difference between a netbook, notebook and laptop thank you, bonnie?

A netbook is a very small mobile computer that has alot less power then a notebook or a laptop. Its size is usually around 7" - 10". A notebook is the biggest of the three of these and has the most power of them all. A notebook usually is about 15.4" - 19". A laptop is the most comfortable to carry around with you and "sit" on your lap. The average size of a laptop is around 13" - 17".

What distinguishes a laptop notebook from a netbook or tablet?

The greatest difference is that a netbook or tablet are made for internet use only. The laptop notebook will also be able to have Office or other useful software as well as a hard drive for storage.

Another name for laptop is?

Notebook, Ultrabook, Netbook.....

Besides the size, what are the other differences between a laptop notebook computer and a netbook?

Besides the size, a laptop notebook computer has more functions and capacity than a netbook. You can read more at

What is the definition of netbook?

A netbook is a version of a laptop computer. It is smaller than a notebook, sometimes called a regular laptop and is generally less powerful and less expensive.

What is the difference of mini laptop and notebook?

A notebook has more memory and a bigger processor. It also has a larger screen then a netbook and a DVD or a blu ray drive. If you only need very basic things such as writing emails and connecting to the internet then a netbook is for you. If you need to use a lot of software and use discs then you need a laptop.

What is the difference between a laptop and a notebook~I just use for personal things. Pls. advise?

There is no major difference. Most times a notebook is just a laptop that you may 'write' on.

How is a laptop notebook different from a netbook?

A laptop notebook has a larger processor (more RAM), larger storage space, and can function at a quicker rate, even when running multiple programs. A netbook is much smaller, and is primarily used for accessing the internet.

What's the difference between a notebook and laptop?

A notebook is a smaller computer that is mostly used for web surfing. A laptop is a fully functional computer that can replace a desktop computer's functionality.

What is the difference between notebook tablet and laptop?

A notebook is a sort of lesser laptop. A tablet is an entirely different medium, known for being flat and having no physical keyboard. A laptop is a portable, usually folding computer.

Is PC and laptop both are same?

Notebooks and Laptops are the same thing. Both words mean the same computer however a Netbook is where the difference is. A Netbook is usually a computer that has less hardware then the average laptop or notebook. Most Netbooks do not have a CDROM, they are smaller (7-12 inches) and they cost a lot cheaper then the average laptop.