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They differ in their structure and properties. Covalent bonds consist of pairs of electrons shared by two atoms, and bind the atoms in a fixed orientation. Relatively high energies are required to break them (50 - 200 kcal/mol). Whether two atoms can form a covalent bond depends upon theirelectronegativityi.e. the power of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself. If two atoms differ considerably in their electronegativity - as sodium and chloride do - then one of the atoms will lose its electron to the other atom. This results in a positively charged ion (cation) and negatively charged ion (anion). The bond between these two ions is called an ionic bond.

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Q: What is the difference between ionic bonding and covalent bonding?
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Ionic and covalent bonding involve electrons. Ionic bonding involves the loss and gain of electrons, form ions. Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons.

What are the 2 types of bonding What is the difference between them?

Types of bonding: ionic (in salts), covalent (in organic compounds), metallic (in metals).

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Ionic bonding occurs between a metal and a nonmetal whereas covalent bonding occurs between two nonmetals.

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Sodium hydroxide is an ionic compound which disassociates in to Na+ and OH- ions in solution.

What is the difference between ionic and covalent bonding?

Ionic is when a negatively charged atom or group of atoms (anion) bonds with a positively charged atom or group of atoms (cation). Covalent bonding is when electron pairs are shared between atoms. Ionic bonds are generally much stronger than covalent bonds and are between a metal and a nonmetal while covalent bonds are between nonmetals.

What makes a covalent bond different from an ionic bong?

The most obvious difference is that covalent bondingoccurs between non-metals, whereas ionic bondingoccurs between a metal and a non-metal.Covalent bonding is also a bonding process which shares electrons, whereas ionic bonding is a bonding process in which electrons are transferred. This would therefore also affect the way in which you draw dot and cross diagrams for a covalent compound versus an ionic compound.

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The electronegativity difference between the bonding atoms is concerned to determine it ionic behaviour.

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It is ionic bonding because Na is sodium which is a metal and Cl is chlorine which is a nonmetal. Ionic Bonding happens between nonmetals and nonmetals.

How do you compare ionic and covalent bonding?

Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons. Ionic bonding involves the transfer of electrons.

What large differences in electronegativity result in bonding between atoms?

If this difference is under 2 the bond is covalent; if the difference is over 2 the bond is ionic.

What does bonding is on a continuum mean?

To say that bonding is on a continuum means that the type of bonding changes gradually as the difference in electronegativity between atoms increases. There is no sharp distinction between polar covalent and ionic bonds.