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Racism is the judgment of someone based solely on their race, and homophobia is when someone is scared of becoming gay or gay people.

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Q: What is the difference between homophobia and racism?
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What is the difference between xenophobia and homophobia?

Xenophobia is the hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers. Homophobia is the hatred or fear of lesbians or gays.

What is the difference between racism in the US and racism in Canada?

Probably that racism in the USA was institutionalized,or was the law at one time enforced by respectable services such as the police force, segregation was a way of life in America, which is still ingrained in some people minds even today. However racism in Canada is more on individual basis, a person may be racist or have a racist behavior, so that differ a lot, since it has never been enforced by law.

What is the difference between rascism and discrimination?

Discrimination means any sort of discrimination like caste, creed, sex, colour, origin, etc.. Racism means discrimination of race that is of the origin.

What is the difference between science and Suto science?

The difference between science and (sudo) pseudoscience is that science is based on factual information gathered without a person biased opinion. but on the other hand pseudoscience is twisting facts to suite a often crazy postulate (often based on racism or something conspiratorial to show others that this misinformation is in-fact information.

What is the difference between racialism and racism?

When used in a non-hate-based fashion, racialism is used to define policy or interpret events. Kind of like colonialism. Not all colonialism consisted of things that were detrimental to the people involved.

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Homophobia and Racism.

What is the difference between xenophobia and homophobia?

Xenophobia is the hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers. Homophobia is the hatred or fear of lesbians or gays.

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To me there is no difference.

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Sexual ethics, racism, sexism, homophobia

What is the greatest challenge of Christianity today?

Overcoming historical racism, sexism, and homophobia. War is problematic to a religion that prohibits killing.

Do you have a list of offensive personality traits?

Offensive personality traits include: selfishness, stupidity, hypocrisy, racism, sexism, and homophobia.

Is prejudice against gay people called racism?

No. Gay people are not a race. Prejudice against gay people is called homophobia.

What bad result will racism get?

Just difference between the caste results in bloody wars!

Is there a psychological explanation to homophobia?

One psychological explanation for homophobia is that it could stem from learned attitudes and beliefs from family, society, or culture. Additionally, it may be related to fear or discomfort with things that are different or unfamiliar, combined with prejudice and stereotypes. Personal insecurities and a need to conform to social norms could also play a role in the development of homophobia.

What is the difference between racism and white supremacy?

There is no difference, truly. To think the white race is the supreme race is, in itself, racist.