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Mutations are random nucleotide alterations such as copying errors or changes induced by external mutagens. In contrast, genetic recombination is performed by the cell during the preparation of gametes (sperm, egg, pollen) which are used for sexual reproduction

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12y ago

During recombination in meiosis, the chromosomes are separated randomly into different cells. During crossover, chromosomes swap parts of themselves to increase genetic variation.

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Rearranging and adding different

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Q: What is the difference between mutation and genetic recombination?
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Which two processes result in variations that commonly influence the evolution of sexual reproducing species?

mutation and genetic recombination.

What are two sources of genetic variation?

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What are two main sources for genetic variation in a population?

Mutation and the genetic recombination in sexually reproducing organisms.

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What is the difference between crossover and mutation in genetic algorithm?

mutation means change in genetic structure..where as crossover means interchanging the genetic structure of two or more chromosomes..

What determines wether the mutation is passed on to offspring?

Chromosomal recombination passes the new genetic makeup to offspring

What is the difference between mutation and variation?

variation is difference between genes and trait among individual* organism within population. mutation is change in genetic instruction I hope it helps

What is relationship between recombination frequency and genetic distance?

As genetic distance increases, the recombination frequency first increases in a linear fashion, but then levels off to a frequency of 0.5.

What is the difference between genetic a disorder and a genetic mutation?

Mutation is any change in the genetic code of an individual regardless of how the change manifests. A genetic disorder is the result of an unfavorable mutation that results through through heterozygous recessive parents producing a homozygous recessive offspring, a random dominant mutation, or multiple polygenic mutations that compound for a negative effect on an individual as examples.

Which process performs genetic recombination?

Genetic Recombination is the exchange of genetic information in order to increase the genetic diversity of the population. Probably only with bacteria.

Change in genetic material of an organism from one genrartion to another?

When mutations happen, they cause the alteration of genetic material.

What two processes can lead to inherited variation in populations?

Natural selection and Mutation . Cause new variations of traits in a population .