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sharks - have rows of teeth, no scales, can't stop swimming & can't swim backwards, need constant water flow over gills, cartilage - no bone, oily liver instead of a swim bladder, can sense electricity (ex:heart beat) & vibrations in water, gill slits - no gill cover, eggs fertilized inside females body.

fish - 1 set of teeth or none at all, can hover & swim backwards, most are bony, swim bladder, can't sense electricity, covered gill slits, eggs usually fertilized in water.

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Q: What is the difference between fish and sharks?
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One difference is that fish are bony. Sharks have a skeleton made of cartilage (like in your nose or kneecap). Sharks have five to seven gill slits, while fish only have one. Fish have swim bladders for bouyancy, sharks do not.

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The major difference is whale sharks are huge. They're around 30 feet long on average and the largest specimen found was around 40 feet long. Also whale sharks are filter feeders, as in they only eat plankton and krill. They're harmless and divers can easily swim beside them or even hold on to them.

Are tiger sharks fish?

no tiger sharks are fish but r sharks