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Filtration Filtration is accomplished by the movement of fluids from the blood into the bowmans capsule. = Reabsorption = = Reabsorption involves the selective transfer of essential solutes and = water back into the blood.

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Q: What is the difference between filtration and reabsorbtion?
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HEPA is stands for High eff ency particulate filters & its normally stops particles size more than 0.3micron & using for clean rooms . Micro filtration have higher filtration level with respect to HEPA around 5 micron .All filters are using on demand on area filtration level

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It is not possible; filtration as a separating method is based on the difference between boiling points.

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The liver is what you need to live - you need the kidney to have kids and the spleen is for venting

What is difference between GFR and filtration fraction?

the main difference between the gfr and the filtration fraction is that the filteration fraction is mainly use to determine the functional ability of kidnet the filtration fraction is inversly propotion to the plasma flow and diractly propotion to the gfr while the and it is the fraction of the reanal plasmaflow while the gfr is the total amount of the plasma filtered by the nefron of both kidneys gfr valuu is 125 ml per minute and 180 liter per day

What is the difference between an oxygen vacuum and a regular vacuum?

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What is the primary site of tubular reabsorbtion?

In the proximal convoluted tubule

What is the difference between Sieving and Filtration?

Sieving: i)The sieve used in this method has larger pores. ii) It is used to filter wheat,flour,etc. Filtration: i) The filter paper used in this method has smaller pores. ii) It is used to filter muddy water,etc.

What is the difference between purchasing a vacuum that requires a bag and one that does not (besides reduced cost)?

The newer vaccum taht do not have a bad normally offer superior filtration and suction.

What do filtration and distillation take advantage of?

Difference in the physical properties of mixture's components