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the difference between a political and a physical boundary is that a physical map shows geographical features like mountains and rivers while a political map shows boundaries.

One is made by people(politicians), the other by nature. So , occasionally, a

political boundary will be a straiight line but there are no straight lines in nature. A river is a common and convenient, physical boundary with two obvious sides. Sometimes, a river may run between two countries and thus becomes an example of a physical boundary serving as a political boundary.A mountain range may serve a similar purpose.

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The difference is that Political bounds are made by people and physical bounds are made by the environment (Ex. Mountains, rivers, forests.) in short, political is people and physical is natural.

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Q: What is the difference between a physical boundary and a political boundary?
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What is the deference between a physical and political map?

the difference between a political and physical map is that political maps are the imaginary boundaries (ex. states boundary for ct is a political boundary) and a physical map shows rivers, bodies of water, mountains, ect. (ex. map of rivers is a phsical map.

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i think what you are trying to ask is, "What is the difference between physical and political maps." The difference between the two is that physical is terrain and political is location and cities.

What is the difference between a natural and a physical boundary?

A natural boundary is a boundary that is defined by natural features, such as a strait, a mountain range etc. A physical boundary is can be an imaginary boundary that is drawn on a map, which is not shown in real life, something like a political boundary.

What is the different between natural and a political?

A natural boundary is a boundary that is viewed from a physical factor like a mountain, river, or other land form/waterway. A political boundary is a boundary that is man made or decided by people. For example the state border is a political boundary.

What is the diffrerence between a physical map and a political?

The difference between the two is that physical is terrain and political is location and cities.

What is a political boundry?

an imaginary line that divides territories.

How can you tell the difference between physical and political boundaries?

Firstly you have to consider political boundaries which is primary and official. Physical boudaries are subortinaded to the political ones.

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What is the diff between a natural and political boundary?

A natural boundary is often times a body of water such as a river. Between the US and Mexico, part of the boundary between these two countries is the Rio Grand River. A political boundary is one created by a treaty or some type of political agreement between two countries. For example, the Dominican Republic and Haiti are on the same island. The boundary between them is a political one established when France ruled Haiti and Spain ruled the Dominican Republic.

What coms tell you the difference between a physical map and a political map?

Political maps show you the states and cities and countries. Physical maps show you the mountains and geographic features.

What is the difference between a political map and a physical maps?

Physical maps show physical and geologic features such as rivers and mountains. Political maps show artificial boundaries such as state lines and national borders.

What is the political boundary between the US and Mexico?

The border