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ummm... one's a whale, the others a large shark...

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Q: What is the difference between a humpback whale and a whale shark?
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Who would win in a fight between a humpback whale and a shark?

a shark would as all a humpback whale can do is use its tail as a diffance mechanism. great whites have attack a humpbacks young despite the tail waps

What is the Difference between narwhal and Beluga whale?

compare and contrast beluga,humpback wales

What is the Difference between whale oil and a shark oil?

Whale oil contains a lot more blubber than shark oil

What hunts the humpback whale?

The natural predators of the humpback whale are orcas (killer whales) and occasionally sharks. Attacks usually happen in the humpback whale's feeding grounds. They only attack calves. Orcas are a bigger threat than a shark.

What is bigger a humpack whale or a sperm whale?

Humpback. It is the third largest whale, after the fine whale and blue whale.

What is the difference between a shark and a whale explain please.?

A shark is a fish and a whale is a mammal. Therefor the shark has gills to get oxygen from the water and whales have to breathe air, so they come to the surface.

How did the humpback whale get his name?

The humpback whale has a dorsal fin on it's back towards it's tail. The dorsal fin often has a bump (or hump), thus the name of the humpback whale.

Is the humpback whale a baleen whale or a toothed whale?

The Humpback whale is a baleen.

Can you have a humpback whale?

it is possible to have a humpback whale if you owned an ocean. its not scientificly possible to own a humpback whale.

What are some animals in the ocean?

Some animals in the ocean are killer whales jellyfish lobsters puffer-fish eel Fin whale great white shark humpback whale angel shark angelfish Bull shark and Dudong

What is a humpback whale's habitat?

The humpback whale's habitat is the ocean.

Is humpback whale extinction?

No, the humpback whale is not extinct, but it is Endangered.