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St. Peter devoted his time to evangelizing primarily the Jewish people while Paul worked with the Gentiles (non-Jews).

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Q: What is the difference between Saint Peter and Saint Paul?
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Which is bigger - Saint Paul or Saint Peter?

Saint Peter's Basilica is larger than Saint Paul's.

Where were Saint Peter and Saint Paul martyred?

Both Peter and Paul were martyred in Rome.

Is the 29th of June the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul?

Yes, the 29th of June is the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

What is the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul about?

Both Saint Peter and Saint Paul were martyred under orders of Roman Emperor Nero sometime between 64 and 67 AD. Some sources say they were killed on the same day but there is no firm documentation to affirm this.

What is the difference between peter and paul okoye?

there so many difference between them first peter is more taller than poor, Paul do more of singing while peter prefer dancing. Paul looks quite while peter should be the rough guy u know ha-ha okay, also Paul has deadlocks and peter goes on low cut above i admire Paul more..........

What did Saint Peter and Saint Paul disagree on?

Saint Peter and Saint Paul disagreed on the extent to which Gentile converts needed to follow Jewish customs, such as circumcision and dietary restrictions, in order to be accepted into the Christian community. Saint Paul argued for a more inclusive approach, while Saint Peter initially maintained a stricter stance.

When is Saint Paul's feast day?

The feast days of St. Paul are: 25 January (celebration of his conversion) 16 February (Saint Paul Shipwrecked) 29 June (celebration of Saint Peter and Saint Paul as co-founders of the Church) 18 November (feast of the dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul)

Where in Rome is Saint Paul's head?

The heads of both Saint Peter and Saint Paul are located in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, the church of the pope.

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Both Saint Joseph and Saint Peter are the patron saints of the Universal Church.

Who was the leader of the first Christians?

saint peter

When is it the feast of St. Paul?

The feasts of St. Paul are: 25 January (celebration of his conversion) 16 February (Saint Paul Shipwrecked) 29 June (celebration of Saint Peter and Saint Paul as co-founders of the Church) 18 November (feast of the dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul)

What is the date of death for Saint Paul and Saint Peter?

Both are thought to have died sometime between AD64 and AD67 as martyrs under the orders of Emperor Nero.