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it means, blood building up in the heart like a pool.

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definition of blood pooling

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Q: What is the definition of blood pooling?
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What is is blood pooling?

blood pooling is when the circulation of blood is minimal or non-existant in a part of the body.

What is the definiton of blood-pooling?

blood pooling is when the circulation of blood is minimal or non-existant in a part of the body.

What are the most common causes that cause of pooling blood?

Long periods of reclining can cause pooling of blood in dependent areas. Vasovagal reactions also cause pooling of blood.

What prevents blood from pooling in the legs of humans and pigs?

The valves in the veins

Is blood pooling damgerous?

Blood Pooling Is always dangerous. You could accidentally get a air bubble which will stop your heart. You could get a bruise which will look like you do drugs and could prevent you from getting certain jobs.

How are veins specialized?

Veins have valves that prevent blood from pooling up in your extremities.

What is the medical term meaning pooling of blood?

When used in the context of exercising When you exercising, your heart is pumping large amount of blood to the working muscles. This blood is carrying both oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and then returns to the heart for oxygen. However, when the exercise stops, so does the force that pushes the blood back to the heart. If you don't cool down lactic acid stays in the muscles, which in turn causes swelling and pain. This is known as 'blood pooling" Cooling down keeps the blood circulating, which in turn helps to prevent blood pooling and also removes waste products from the muscles.

Has anyone had an abnormally shaped amniotic sac with blood pooling outside it?

I personally have not known anyone to have this problem.

Values inside the veins prevent from flowing what?

Valves in the veins prevent the blood from flowing backward or from pooling.

Is it bad if blood vessels expand?

It is not good if they do not return to normal size. If not "pooling" occurs and clots can be "thrown".

How do you prevent blood pooling in your legs?

Blood will pool in the legs for several reasons. The first can be due to the lack of movement (such as standing still for a long time); the gravity prevents the blood from travelling up to the heart due to the lower pressure system. The second may be due to damaged vein valves. The valves that stop the blood from backflowing can be damaged by excessive pooling of blood from lifestyle factors such as standing and crossing your legs. This excessive pooling can cause the surface veins in your legs to bulge with blood and cause varicose veins. The last reason may be due to genetic reasons for weaker walls of the veins.

Why valves are present in veins?

Valves in the veins are like one-way gates that prevent blood from backing up or pooling.