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c+i+g a+

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Q: What is the correct formula for calculating the GDP?
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Which of these is the correct formula for calculating the GDP?

C + i + g + n = gdp

What is the formula of calculating increase in real GDP?

Nominal GDP/CPI*100 answer will be in $ amount

What gets included and excluded when calculating GDP?

total income and total expenditure are included when calculating GDP.

Why imports are subtracted in the expenditure approach to calculating GDP?

why imports are subtracted inthe expenditure approach to calculating GDP

In calculating GDP versus GNP what is now not counted?

GDP is calculated for a specific period of time, usually a year or a quarter of a year. No listing for "What is not counted in calculating GDP versus GNP".

What is the correct formula for calculating the file size of a bitmap image?

width by height in centimeters

What is the correct formula for calculating area of a square?

Any formula that generates a correct solution every time is a 'correct' formula.Here's a formula for the area of a square that qualifies as a correct one:If 'S' is the length of each side of the square, then the area 'A' of the square isA = S2

When calculating GDP why are intermediate products excluded?

because yes

What is the correct formula for calculating the circumference of a circle?

[2 x pie x radius] or [pie x diameter]

When you use the distance formula you are calculating the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle and the?

That is it. Just the hypotenuse - provided you have the correct triangle.

Which of these would not be included as government spending when calculating the GDP?

unemployment benefits A+

Which of these would not be considered a private investment when calculating the GDP?

stocks and bonds.