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Q: What is the conditions surrounding a living thing called?
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Is an apple seed a living thing?

It is a dormant living thing. Under the right conditions, it becomes an active living thing.

What is a living thing that produces another living thing like itself called?

A living thing that produces another living thing like itself is called a parent.

If a living thing dies is it still called a living thing?

come on i mean why do you ask that question. of course not it is called a dead thing. if it is alive it would be called A LIVING THING

What is the home area of a living thing called?

The home area of a living thing is called a habitat

What happens if there is a living thing that resembles DNA but there are no organelles that are surrounding the DNA?

They would be bacteria

What is a definition of the environment?

noun 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time. 3. the social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.

Any living thing that eats other living things is called a what?

they are called a predator

Events or conditions that cause a living thing to react?

I was also looking for this answer and the answer is stimulus

What are living parts of a habitat are called?

The living part of a habitat is called a biotic.In saying that the non-living thing is called the abiotic.

Why a car cannot be called a living thing?

living things are animate.

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Any living thing is called an?
