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Ellis Island is in Upper New York Bay, at the mouth of the Hudson River.

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Q: Ellis Island is located in what body of water?
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Did people travel over the Atlantic Ocean or Ellis Island to get to the US from Ireland?

The Immigration Station on Ellis Island, in New York Harbor, was their destination. So no, they did not travel over Ellis Island. That's where they were going. The body of water that lies between Ireland and New York is the Atlantic Ocean, so that's what they traveled over.

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If that particular body of water is located inland, it's considered a lake. If it's more like an island in the middle of a larger body of water (i.e. Atlantic ocean) it would be called an atoll.

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Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.

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Can an lake be an island?

No.An island is a body of land in the middle of a body of water.

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An ocean is a large body of water. An island is a piece of land in a body of water. A continent is a large body of land.

How does an ocean differ from continents and an island?

An ocean is a large body of water. An island is a piece of land in a body of water. A continent is a large body of land.

What body of water is coney island surrounded by?

Coney Island isn't surrounded by a body of water anymore.. because it is no longer an actual island, but a peninsula. The body of water that creates it's beaches, though, is the Atlantic Ocean :)

What does island connote?

An island connotes a landmass that is surrounded by water on all sides. Islands are typically smaller in size compared to continents, and they can be found in oceans, seas, lakes, or rivers. Islands are often associated with natural beauty, seclusion, and sometimes a sense of isolation.

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Flinders Island is in Bass Strait, the body of water that lies between mainland Australia and its island state of Tasmania.

Near which body of water were most of the first cities in English colonies located?

The answer to this question is Mississippi river and the English colonies located was in the island in Hawaii