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it is caused when anybody on a mountain in an avalanche danger zone does something that vibrates through the snow or anything that makes noises and sound waves (including screaming really loudly) which could cause small amounts of snow to move, then increasing in amounts until it becomes what we know as an avalanche.

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18y ago

There are no enviornmental causes other than the accumulation of loose dirt or snow. Ther's a few physic laws that come to bear on it, though.

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Q: What are the environmental causes of an avalanche?
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Certain tremors or vibrations in the earth. *Causes, *Avalanche.

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This is not related to tickets. An avalanche is a collapse of a large quantity of snow from a packed overhang to a lower area, typically from the top of a hill or mountain into a valley. An avalanche causes a huge fall of snow.

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What does an avalanche cause?

This is not related to tickets. An avalanche is a collapse of a large quantity of snow from a packed overhang to a lower area, typically from the top of a hill or mountain into a valley. An avalanche causes a huge fall of snow.

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