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It depend on the quality of the house person buying

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Q: What is the average fee charged by a real estate broker on a lease?
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Related questions

Where can someone download commercial real estate and lease management software?

Commercial lease management and real estate software can be found online. It can be downloaded from many software websites and real estate broker ones too.

who is the right person to talk about lease commercial?

When brokering a commercial lease you should be certain to use an qualified real estate broker. Some people prefer to even then have the lease read through by a real estate attorney before committing to the contract.

Is a lease estate a freehold estate?

No. A lease is a leasehold estate.

How to lease a retail store?

The breadth of the answer required to address such a broad question is enormous. If you are this "green" your best bet is to hire a commercial real estate broker (you won't pay their fee, the lessor will)....they can walk you through the process. They are NOT a substitute for a good commercial real estate attorney...a must to protect your interests at lease

What is the fee to a real estate broker on a lease?

There is no standard fee in the US. Fees vary by location and state and are always negotiable. In some markets, with a lot of vacancy, the broker is paid by the landlord for bringing him a tenant. In markets with low occupancy, the broker may charge the tenant a fee for finding him an apartment/house. Real estate brokers are barred by antitrust laws from setting fees in a uniform manner.

What is the difference between a life estate and a life lease?

what is the difference between a life lease and a life estate

When real estate under an estate for years is sold what happens to the lease?

lease is subject to termination with proper notice

What is cam in commercial real estate?

CAM stands for Common Area Maintenance. The CAM usually consists of common area electrical for outside lighting and irrigation controls, landscaping, sweeping, possible security patrol and association dues. Every lease is different, so if you are curious about your CAM charges or lease obligations, you should consult with a qualified real estate broker and possibly a real estate attorney.

What is the meaning of Lessee?

The person to whom a lease is given, or who takes an estate by lease.

Is a tenancy buyout payment taxable income?

IRC Section 1241 specifies that payments received by the lessee for the cancellation of a lease are to be treated as a payment in exchange for the sale of the lease. Assuming you were using the property (as opposed to holding it in inventory, for example you were a real estate broker), the lease would be a capital asset. So the payment would be a capital gain (long or short term depending on how long you held the lease).

How do I get a business to lease?

Once you have determined your needs for your business, you an search for space. Contact your local real estate broker- make sure business properties are in their area of expertise. Also, you should have a lawyer to go over your lease contract. This is a great site for help-

Can a beneficiary to an estate enter into a new lease agreement?

If the beneficiary inherited the property and the estate has been probated then she is the new owner and can execute a new lease agreement.If the beneficiary inherited the property and the estate has been probated then she is the new owner and can execute a new lease agreement.If the beneficiary inherited the property and the estate has been probated then she is the new owner and can execute a new lease agreement.If the beneficiary inherited the property and the estate has been probated then she is the new owner and can execute a new lease agreement.