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It is really different from case to case and there is no set value. It depends on the severity of injuries. However, some people have had from 2 to 4 times the amount of their medical bills.

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Q: What is the average amount of money received for a car accident settlement?
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As little as they can get you to accept.

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Unfortunately, because most accident insurance settlements are kept confidential, it is impossible to know the largest settlement amount awarded in history. Settlement amounts typically vary by how much insurance one has on their vehicle, and the amount of damage done to the car and passengers.

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A good insurance settlement means that the recipient of the settlement receives a fair amount in compensation for the event or accident. An insurance adjuster or attorney may help in getting a good insurance settlement.

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169,069. average amount of 125 cases.

What is typical amount for auto accident settlement with minor injury?

The amount typical is commensurate to the actual damages and accompanying losses incurred by the claimant.

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There is no average or typical settlement amount. The amount of costs that the victim incurred in medical and other expenses addition to his/her time out of work would be the basis for seeking recovery. If the injured has serious surgeries and spent a lot of time in the hospital, the amount would be much higher than if they were treated in the emergency room and released. The amount of settlement also depends on the defendant's situation. His/her insurance would only be liable up to the policy maximums. If the defendant does not have the ability to pay over that, the potential settlement would be capped there.

What is the average settlement amount for minor car accident in Ohio?

Settlements can vary widely, even the most minor-looking of accidents can result in a big settlement. Generally the goal is to fairly compensate a victim for the damages caused to the vehicle and the overall health of the victim(s).

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It would depend on the amount that your suing for ...