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A motor that draws 14 amps on 240 volts is probably a two horsepower motor, but it could be three depending on the efficiency.

Watts = amps x volts. There are 746 watts in 1 horsepower.


In North America, horsepower is always used to describe the output power of a motor. You can only find the input power by multiplying the supply voltage by the load current. You will, unfortunately, then need to know the efficiency of the machine to determine its output power in horsepower.

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16y ago

one horsepower is equal to about 750 watts....So you would multiply the amps times the volys to get watts.....240 x 15.5= 3,720 / 750 =4.96 hp...the approximate horsepower would be 5 hp

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Q: What is the approximate horsepower rating of a 240V motor that draws 15.5A of current?
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