

What is the Sahara desert fox?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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a fennec fox

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Q: What is the Sahara desert fox?
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In what biome does the fennec fox live?

The fennec fox lives in the Sahara Desert.

What small species of canine is found in the Sahara Desert?

The fennec fox is a small fox native to the Sahara Desert.

What is an mammal that lives in the Sahara Desert?

The fennec fox is a mammal of the Sahara.

Does a fennec fox live in the Arabian desert?

No, it is primarily a fox of the Sahara,

How does the Europe desert fox survive?

There is no 'Europe desert fox.' The most common fox in Europe is the red fox. The true desert fox - the fennec - lives in the Sahara of northern Africa.

List of mammals in the Sahara desert?

ferial pigs,goats,fox,rabbits,wild dogs and other types of animals

How do the Sahara Desert animals live and what are some of there names?

Sahara Desert animals live by using their traits that they have to use to protect and survive in the desert. ( EX) A fennec fox uses its big ears to stay cool at the Sahara desert....

How many desert foxes are in the world?

There are a number of species of fox that live in the desert but the fennec fox (see image above) is known as the desert fox. It lives in the Sahara of northern Africa.

Where is a desert fox's habitat?

Fennec foxes are naturally found in the Sahara desert of North Africa

Where do desert foxes live?

Foxes live in the desert because that is their home.

Are there foxes in the Sahara desert?

Yes. but i only know of one. it is the fennec fox ]

Where are desert foxes found?

it has big ears, it's coat can be white, pale, or the color if the sand. Search up a picture if you don't belive me.