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"more than nothing/anything" is often given and would be correct in Spanish, but in Brazilian Portugese it is a put-down expression: "Yea, right / Don't be silly". Here is the complete text of the song, plus translation:

O aria raio, oba oba oba

Mas que nada

Sai da minha frente

Eu quero passar

Pois o samba está animado

O que eu quero é sambar

Este samba

Que é misto do maracatu

É samba do preto velho

Samba do preto tu

Mas que nada

Um samba como esse tão legal

Você não vai querer que eu chegue no final

In English:

Oh! a raio song, wow wow wow

Yeah, right

Get out of my way

I want to get in

Because that's one bitchin' samba

And I want to dance to it

That samba

Is a mix with the maracatu (another samba style)

It's the samba of the old black man

The samba of the black person in you

Yeah, right

A samba like this should be almost illegal

And you'd wish I would never stop

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