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If your gynecologist says that there is a risk of miscarriage it normally means that they could not find a viable pregnancy....don't worry though in some cases when they say this it means they don't really have enough info to say that the pregnancy is viable. I went through the same thing but unfortunately i miscarried after 2 weeks. When i spoke to the doc they said they have to find a heartbeat to determinate viability if not that then they should at least be able to see if the baby is the right size for how many weeks you are. If they don't find both these things they refer it as not viable but should call you bac after 10 days for further testing to make sure.

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Q: What is theChance of viable pregnancy with the risk of miscarriage?
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Miscarriage is the most common complication of early pregnancy. Complications or implications of a miscarriage: It is a grave risk to the life of the woman. Uncontrolled diabetes greatly increases the risk of miscarriage. Women with controlled diabetes are not at higher risk of miscarriage High Blood Pressure during pregnancy, is sometimes caused by an inappropriate immune reaction to the developing fetus, and is associated with the risk of miscarriage. It can also cause premature birth or death of the baby.

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After you have the Implanon implant removed, there is not a high risk of miscarriage. If you get pregnant while on the implant, there is a increased risk of miscarriage.

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i highly doubt that means miscarriage the doctors often say that when you hit your 3 months your risk of having a miscarriage is very low. the baby can just be shifting to a different position.

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Only few studies have investigated wheatear use of clarithromycin during pregnancy is associated with miscarriage. Some animal studies have shown that rabbits and monkeys have increased rates of miscarriage when being exposed to clarithromycin during pregnancy (Biaxin product information). Adrienne Einarson and her colleagues observed in 1998 that women exposed to clarithromycin during pregnancy had a doubling in the risk of having a miscarriage. Recently Jon Andersen and colleagues found a 50 % increase of miscarriage in women exposed to clarithromycin in early pregnancy both compared to untreated and compared to women exposed to antibiotics used in same conditions. The results indicate an association between clarithromycin and miscarriage.

Can you still be positive on a home pregnancy 2 weeks after miscarriage?

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Can you have a miscarriage after 4 months?

Although the chance of miscarriage goes down significantly after you see the heartbeat and reach the 12 week point, there is always a chance that something may happen. Any fetal demise under 20-22 weeks is considered a miscarriage. If you are feeling crampy or bleeding call your doctor with any questions, that is what they are there for. Hello. Risk of a miscarriage decreases greatly once a woman has reached three months into her pregnancy.

How soon after a miscarriage can pregnancy occur?

A pregnancy after a miscarriage is still possible. As long as the embro or fetus has been complete removed from the uterus. I am one of the many enjoying a pregnancy after feeling the hard grief of a miscarriage.