

What is superior conjunction?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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of higher rank, quality, or importance or better than something else

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Q: What is superior conjunction?
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During superior conjunction how far is Venus from Earth?

Venus can never appear in superior conjunction from Earth.

What does it mean if an outer planet is at superior conjunction?

An celestial body is at superior conjunction if it is on the opposite side of the sun from the Earth. A celestial body is at inferior conjunction when it is between the sun and the Earth. _______________________________________Only interior planets (Mercury and Venus) can have "superior conjunctions". The outer planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have either "conjunctions" (when the planet is on the other side of the Sun) or "opposition" (when the planet is opposite the Sun in the sky.

What was the conjunction with the earth and venus?

Conjunction happens when two planets are on the same straight line as the Sun. At superior conjuction Venus is behind the Sun, while at inferior conjunction it is between the Earth and Sun and can sometimes be seen crossing the Sun as a small black disc. Each conjunction happens once in each synodic period of 587 days.

When a superior planet appears to line up with the sun in the sky?

A superior planet lined up with the Sun (i.e. at superior conjunction) can't be seen because of glare from the Sun. When the planet lies in the opposite direction it is at opposition, which is the best time to see it as it crosses the meridian at midnight.

Is it to correct to say in conjunction to or in conjunction with?

In conjunction with

Why do the inferior planets go into retrograde only at inferior conjuction?

I believe it has to do because Earth passes up inferior planets while the planets are in inferior conjunction. The only way retrograde works is if the earth is passing a planet. While a inferior planet is in superior conjunction it is not being passed up.

Is not a conjunction?

No, 'not' is not a conjunction. It is an adverb.

When is a conjunction false?

no, when is a conjunction

Is but interjection or a conjunction?

It is a conjunction.

What kind of conjunction is but?

The conjunction "but" is a coordinating conjunction. It connects independent clauses.

Is Wow a conjunction?

No, "wow" is not a conjunction. It's an interjection.

Is had a conjunction?

"Had" is the past tense of the verb "to have". It is not a conjunction. An example of a conjunction would be the word 'and'.