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i think its because we eat it.

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Q: What is shark liver used for by humans?
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What does a sharks liver store?

A oil which is used for making madicines for child.

Does a shark has liver?

Sharks has liver.

Does shark have Liver?


What methods are used to prevent a shark attacking humans?

staying out of the water.

Who are the enemies of a tiger shark?

The main enemy of tiger sharks are humans. People use them for food dishes such as shark fin soup. Shark's liver is a great source of vitamin A. Tiger sharks are also known to eat other tiger sharks.

Do shark's have more to fear from shark's or do shark's have more to fear from humans?

sharks have more to fear from humans

What organ is absent in a shark's body?

A swim bladder.

What is the function of a liver in a dogfish shark?

the function of the liver in a dogfish shark is to store oils that keep the shark afloat. ( because nonpolar oil does not mix with the surrounding polar water)

What is the size of cow's liver?

Varies by shark. The liver in a shark is large and can take up 5% t0 25% of the sharks weight.

What shark is good with humans?

a whale shark

What is a shark that filter feeds and is a danger to humans?

The shark that filter feeds is called a whale shark, and it is not a danger to humans in any way.

Can humans eat bull shark?

A bull shark is a fish, humans can eat fish.