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The systemic establishment of, adherence to, or observance of a routine or "ritual." As per religious studies, every religion regardless of deity or culture has specific observances or practices which have become ritualized. Every denomination of the Christian Faith has "ritualized" some part of their observances, whether through cultural tradition or belief system. Almost every part of a "structured" worship service in Christianity has a part of its observances "ritualized." For example, the use of candles, banners, or tapestry; when and what to sing, or the use of musical instruments; and the "order" of events within a service, when and how to take communion, pray, or deliver the sermon. It's all ritualized, and could be broadly generalized that there are "so many" denominations within one faith system BECAUSE of the choice to be "ritualized." The rigid adherence to ritual - and not necessarily the fundamentals of a belief system - has established the most profound differences and separation among individuals or groups within the same belief system. Likewise, the individual's or group's preferences to adhere to "ritual" will often even separate them from the core fundamentals of their belief, if not even from their own god!

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is when a person acts as if they want to succeed but does not exert much effort.

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