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Lactic Acid :)

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Q: When no oxygen is present for muscle cells after glycolysis what will the cell produce?
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Which of the following normally occurs whether or not oxygen is present?


What normally occurs whether or not oxygen oxygen is present?


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What happened when no oxygen is present after glycolysis?


What happens when oxygen is present after glycolysis?


In presence of oxygen glycolysis is followed by?

When oxygen is present, the Krebs Cycle and then the Electron transport chain follow glycolysis. When oxygen is not present, a different pathway follows glycolysis. The combination of glycolysis and the different pathway is called fermentation.

Why does glycolysis depend on oxygen?

Glycolysis does not depend on oxygen. It is the anaerobic part of cellular respiration and can produce 2 molecules of ATP without oxygen.

Which process in eukaryotic cells will proceed normally whether oxygen (O2) is present or absen?


How does the muscle continue to contract in the absence of oxygen?

The muscle continues to contract in the absence of oxygen through Glycolysis. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid in the cytoplasm of a cell. It is called an anaerobic process, because it does not require oxygen.

What stage of cellular respiration follows glycolysis in the presence of oxygen?

If there is no oxygen present, then the cell does either alcohol or lactic acid fermentation. If oxygen is present, the citric acid cycle follows glycolysis, with oxidative phosphorylation following the citric acid cycle.

Can a cell produce ATP in the absence of Oxygen?

Oxygen is required for ATP generation. However, that oxygen need not be in elemental form. Many organisms can obtain oxygen by breaking down oxygen-containing chemicals, like sugars and alcohols.

What process allows muscle cells to continue to release energy in the absence of sufficient oxygen?

When the muscle cells are deprived of oxygen, the cells produce ATP through the anaerobic fermentation. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm and does not need oxygen. In the glycolysis pathway, two ATPs are produced as net products. Also, anaerobic fermentation occurs. The pyuvate is converted into lactic acid and regnerate NAD using this process.