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Well, penance, reconciliation, and confession are all the same thing, just different names for it. Catholics celebrate this sacrament to be free of sin.

What is sin?

Sin is anything that we do wrong. There are two types of sins, venial and mortal. Venial sins are small things, such as lying or hitting. Mortal sins are serious, such as murder. We mustconfess mortal sins, or we are not forgiven. We cannot receive communion until we do. If you do, that is a sin. If you remember a sin, but purposely don't confess it, we are not forgiven.

The Process of Reconciliation

When you go into the confessional, you say hello to the priest (Deacons aren't allowed to hear confessions.) and either sit face-to-face or kneel in front of a screen. You say, "Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it has been ______ (amount of time [estimated]) since my last confession. These are my sins." You tell the priest all the sins you can remember doing. When you are done, you say, "For these and all my sins I am sorry." You pray the Act of Contrition. The priest will then give you absolution, saying, "_______(your name), I absolve you from all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." You then say, "Amen." The priest will give you something to do to make up for your sins (called penance). You say thank you to the priest and then you exit the confessional.

The Act of ContritionOh, my God, I am sorry for my sins. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you and your Church. I firmly intend, with the help of Your Son to do penance and to sin no more. Amen. Conclusion

In conclusion, after you do your penance, you are clean of sin! All Catholics who have received this sacrament for the first time are required to go at least twice a year: Lent and Advent. There is all about reconciliation!

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The words penance or confession have somewhat negative connotations. Reconciliation is a much more positive description.

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foRmula of sacrament of reconciliation

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Another word for penance is "repentance" or "atonement."

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The name of the sacrament which you confesses your sins is called the Sacrament of Penance. Its three names are reconciliation, penance, and confession.

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The matter of reconciliation is the penance.

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Reconciliation can only be administered by a priest.

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.Catholic AnswerThe sacrament of reconciliation is also known as most commonly as Confession, it is also referred to as the Sacrament of Penance. The Catechism also lists other names as the sacrament of: ConfessionConversionforgivenesspardonPenanceReconciliationremission

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What does reconciled mean in the Catholic Church?

Reconciliation, the act or state of re-establishing friendship between God and a human being, or between two persons. In the Catholic Church it most often refers to the sacrament of Confession, otherwise known as Penance or Reconciliation.

What is the definition of penance?

The definition of penance is: a punishment undergone in token of penitence for sin. A penitential discipline imposed by church authority.

What happens in the 5 stages of the sacrament of reconciliation?

The Sacrament of Reconciliation includes examination of conscience, admitting wrongdoing, asking for forgiveness, doing penance, absolution and resolving to sin no more. Reconciliation is both a group and individual sacrament.