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Party Discipline is when all MPs within a party, vote together on every's usually predetermined by the Party leader ir caucus, and enforced by the party whip... In plain english, everyone in the party votes the same on subjects. They choose which way to vote by either meeting and discussing about it in a caucus...or their leader forces their decision on them...

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Q: What is party discipline?
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How Party discipline is enforced through?

A party discipline is implemented by committee appointments. This refers to political parties that also needs to establish a well-organized group.

What member of a political party enforces discipline?

Whip or The WhipA person (as a member of Parliament) appointed to enforce party discipline, and secure the attendance of the members of a Parliament party at any important session, especially when their votes are needed.

What is weak party discipline?

when candidates go against their party on an issue because it affects their state.

What are characteristics of one party systems?

One party systems recruit new members, maintain party discipline, and carry out the party's orders.

Explain how weak party discipline makes it difficult for the federal government to enact public policy?

Weak Party Discipline: Party members set an agenda but if there is weak party discipline outliers can choose to disagree on there own. This causes issues to falter which makes the party less and less stable. If the majority is needed to pass a bill and a party already needs to convince others from the opposing side it increases the chance of ending up in gridlock and even the issue being dropped.

When was indira Gandhi expelled from congress?

On 12 November 1969 Indira Gandhi was expelled from the Congress party for violating the party discipline

Who is the party leader who leans on those reluctant to vote the party line?

The whip is the party leader who puts pressure on members who might be reluctant to vote the party line. Their job is to try to enforce party discipline.

Multi-Discipline non adversarial working?

Multi-Discipline non adversarial working means there is a spirit of cooperation. In this type there is a passive stance where each party works together.

Who is Responsible for communication among party members in congress?

The whip is responsible for communication among party members in congress. This is a person within the whip system that is an official within their party that has the task of ensuring party discipline within legislature.

Meaning of korada or korada order in Indian usage of language?

Korada is a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline..

In Congress the majority and minority leaders are assisted by who?

In Congress, the majority and minority leaders are assisted by their respective party whips. The party whips are responsible for ensuring party discipline and unity by counting votes, encouraging party members to vote in line with the party's position, and communicating party leadership's agenda to fellow lawmakers. They also assist the leaders in devising and implementing strategies to advance the party's legislative goals.

What are four things the Communist Party does through its party organization?

1. recruits members and leaders 2. develops policy 3. maintains discipline 4. indoctrinates the people