

What is one insect that is used by farmers?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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lady bugs

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Q: What is one insect that is used by farmers?
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Chemicals used by farmers to kill insect pests are called pesticides.

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because the insect need to eat

Which insect is both a pest and revered?

Ladybugs invade our homes in minnesota in late fall, but they are also used as a natural pesticide by many (organic) farmers.

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There are a great number of kinds of graphs that could be used to track weather on insect reproduction. One is a bar graph.

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If you mean the insect then I can tell you that it is the most fearful catastrophy for any crop.

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Insect is a word used by scientists

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There is no one insect that is considered to be the deadliest. If someone has an allergy to a specific insect that one is considered most deadly.

Is there a prefix for the word insect?

One prefix that means insect is "entomo" or "entom." This is commonly used in words like entomology, or the study of insects.

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Insect polination is when the insect carries a pollen from one flower to anothe

What do you mean key?

Key is the device used in the identification of insect specimen. For example keys to the insect order is used to identify the insect order. Keys to the families are used to know the family of insects.

How much energy was used by the insect?

What insect ? Doing What? If you do not understand the question, you will not understand the answer.