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isobaric process

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Q: What is name of the thermodynamics process if the pressure is constant the volume increases the heat is lost?
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Which thermodynamic law has to do with entropy?

The second law of thermodynamics, generally stated, is that the entropy of an isolated system always increases in any natural process where change occurs. In a system at equilibrium, of course, the entropy remains constant.

Why joule Thomson effect is not applicable for hydrogen and hellium?

As the gas flow from high pressure to low pressure using the porous plug the temperature of the gas increases as the pressure of the gas decreases. As we know in all this process the enthalpy is constant. As we know in all this process the enthalpy is constant . So, to stay it constant the internal energy increases which lead to increase in temperature of the gas. Formula h=u+pv h--- enthalpy u-- internal energy p--pressure v---volume

What is isobaric process?

The process in which change in volume and temperature takes place at a constant pressure is called an isobaric process

Is piston cylinder process is constant pressure process or constan volume process?

A piston cylinder process actually includes two processes. The gas inside the piston undergoes both the constant pressure process and the contant volume process.

What is constant in a polytropic process?

In Polytropic process the product of Pressure and Volume (PV) power 'n' is constant where, 'n' is polytropic index

What isothermal process?

Isothermal process is a process in which change in pressure and volume takes place at a constant temperature.

Why hydrogen and helium does not satisfy joule Thomson effect?

As the gs flow from high pressure to low pressur using the porus plug the temperature of the gas increases as the pressure of the gas decreases. As we know in all this process the enthalpy is constant . So, to stay it constant the internal energy increases which lead to increase in temperature of the gas. Formula h=u+pv h--- enthalpy u-- internal energy p--pressure v---volume

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What happens when a gas is compressed keeping the temperature constant?

If pressure is held constant, volume and temperature are directly proportional. That is, as long as pressure is constant, if volume goes up so does temperature, if temperature goes down so does volume. This follows the model V1/T1=V2/T2, with V1 as initial volume, T1 as initial temperature, V2 as final volume, and T2 as final temperature.

How to calculate final pressure when given initial pressure and initial temp and also final temp and know that it's a constant volume process from initial state?

You can calculate pressure and temperature for a constant volume process using the combined gas law.

Which of the following is true of an isothermal process Temperature is constant W equals Q ΔU equals 0 Pressure is constant?

Temperature is constant.