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It depends what moral code you prescribe to.

If you believe in the moral code which Jehovah God gave to mankind - - then you would need to be pretty chaste in your moral conduct among the sexes. Like no pre-marriage sex; no adultery; no homosexuality; no divorce for frivolous reasons.

But God's moral code includes being honest; not lying; being forgiving; being kind and helpful; apologizing when needed; etc etc etc.

Jehovah also requires that fathers/husbands take the lead in providing spiritual guidance for the family/wife. This is included in 'moral uprightness'.

Also included is 'paying Caesar's things to Caesar; and God's things to God.'

True Christians allow Jehovah to decide what is morally upright or not. His requirements are listed in The Bible.

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To be called morally upright means that you have high moral standards and character. Clergy members should be morally upright.

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