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Meningitis is inflammation of the thin tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord, called the meningeal. There are several types of meningitis. The most common is viral meningitis, which occurs when a virus enters your body through the nose or mouth and moves to the brain. Bacterial meningitis is rare, but it can be deadly. It usually starts with bacteria that cause flu-like infections. It can cause a stroke, deafness and brain injuries. It can also damage other organs. Pneumococcal infections and meningococcal infections can cause bacterial meningitis.Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain. The most common cause is a viral infection, but bacteria can also cause it. It can be mild or severe. Most cases are mild. If so, flu-like symptoms develop. You should take rest, drink plenty of fluids and take some pain medicine. The most serious cases need immediate treatment. The symptoms are: Severe headaches Sudden fever Drowsiness Vomiting Confusion Seizures

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Q: What is meningitis and encephalitis?
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What is the difference between encephalitis and meningitis?

meningitis is inflamation of meninges surrounding the brain, but encephalitis is inflamation of the brain itself

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intracranial infection (any infection within the skull such as meningitis and encephalitis)

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Shigellosis can cause irritation of the meninges or meningitis, encephalitis, and seizures.

What is the medical term meaning inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain?

Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes around the brain. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain.

Could encephalitis and meningitis cause parkinson's?

I have been wondering the same thing. My mother had bacterial meningitis at age 63. She had no symptoms of Parkinson's before the meningitis, but she woke up from the coma with a tremor in her hand which was the first symptom. Nine years later, her Parkinson's has developed significantly.

Where is meningitis most found in the world?

west Africa

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Children who have a neurological disorder or illness such as encephalitis or meningitis may suddenly show signs of cognitive impairment and adaptive difficulties.

What are examples of medical disorders diagnosed by cerebrospinal fluid analysis?

Meningitis, encephalitis, metastatic tumors, syphilis, bleeding in the brain and spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome.

What Pathogen causes encephalitis?

The illness, which can be fatal, is transmitted from one infected person to another by the tsetse fly. While it can occur globally, encephalitis lethargica is especially prevalent in Africa.

Can encephalitis and lupus be connnected?

Lupus erythematosus, is lupus in connective tissue, I would have to say its more like meningitis than encephalitis how ever the presentation could be similar. Lupus is more or less the over activation of your immune system like an allergy however it is your own body that is allergic to it's self. Encephalitis is caused by the immune system's reaction to what it thinks is foreign material. I hope that helps