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Q: What is it called when you absorbed all the nutrients and water?
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Aborbs excess water from chyme?

When all of the nutrients have been absorbed from the chyme, it enters the large intestine where the water is absorbed from it.

Where are nutrients absorbed in the digestive system?

AnswerSince most all nutrients that a human needs are absorbed via the digestive system. All carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are absorbed in the small intestine.AnswerThings are absorbed throughout the entire system, with the exception of the esophagus. Some glucose, for example, can be absorbed in the mouth. Water, alcohol, and some nutrients are absorbed in the stomach. Most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine. Water and some minerals and vitamins are absorbed in the colon. Most vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the colon and absorbed there.

Where do all absorbed nutrients eventually travel to?

The Liver

Why must food be absorbed?

Food must be absorbed so the body can get all the nutrients from the food.

What does a culture medium provide to a living cell?

The medium will supply all the nutrients that the cell will need to grow well.

In digestive system Where are all the most nutrients observed?

Nutrients are found throughout the digestive system. Most nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine.

What organ where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream?

Nutrients are absorbed throughout the digestive process. Specific nutrients are absorbed in the stomach and large intestines, but the majority of nutrients are absorbed in the small intestines.

Happens in the small intestine?

all the good backtria goes to the body and th rest goes to the big intestine then poo comes Water and nutrients are absorbed.

By what routes do absorbed nutrients reach the liver?

via the hepatatic portal system (all absorbed nutrients except triglicerides)or via the lymphatic vessels to the blood vascular system and then to the liver (triglicerides)

What is the process of cells absorbing nutrients?

Cells get water through osmosis and nutrients through diffusion.

Is all radiation absorbed in the earths atmosphere is absorbed in what atmosphere?

Not all the radiation is absorbed in the earth's atmosphere called the troposphere.

Do all plants have tubes that move water and nutrients to all their organs?

Do all the plants have tubes that move water and nutrients to all of their organs?