

What is herd instinct?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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16y ago

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Instnct is the subconscious and intractable desire to live in company. There some animals who have particularly strong instinct to live in groups [herds]. Man seems to have at least certain degree of herd instinct. This is because, if children are isolated from others show dissent, sadness and even physical signs of stress.

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Q: What is herd instinct?
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Which describes herd instinct?

the effect of the herd is to protect the animals

When do shepherds learn how to be a shepherds?

Shepherds are born with the instinct to herd, the trainer only needs to train them commands such as "go herd!" "Stop herding!" "herd the flock over there!"

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Is herd an adjective?

No, it is a collective noun for a group of animals such as cattle and sheep. Used with other nouns (e.g. herd instinct), it is a noun adjunct.

Why do animals group themselves in one place?

It's an animal instinct to form themselves a herd.

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The main instinct of a horse would be the flight instinct. Because horses are prey animals, they are always on the alert for any smells, sounds, and sights of predators. When a horse is spooked by something, whether it be a predator that wants to kill, or simply a plastic bag blowing towards them, their first instinct is to run first and think later. Another instinct is the herd instinct. Horses are naturally herd animals, which is why you must provide your horse with another animal for company (Cow, goat, another horse, etc.). Horses tend to stick together in a herd for safety, company, warmth/cleanliness, etc. If you separate a horse from a herd it has grown up, it may become distracted or call out to it's friends because it is apart from them.

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They have a strong herding instinct. If they don't have sheep, they may try to herd you, dogs or other cars.

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Just kidding the animal is basically anything that lives out side and is hungry I herd that they where becoming instinct

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We have to assume they were "herd instinct" animals. When the mammoths walked the earth, there was no organized scientific studies of them that were written down.

Are American Bison solitary?

Far from it. American bison have a very strong herd instinct, much stronger than that with cattle, and about the same as with sheep.

How does a horse avoid getting eaten?

Horses in the wild are constantly watching out for predators. They work as a herd to do this. When they do see a predator though, their first instinct is flight (to run away).

What is the cows instincd?

A cow is a prey animal and a herd animal. It's instinct is to stay with the herd, and to run away if a predator is upon them. If cornered, like any prey animal, they will turn around and fight to the death or find some other means to go through you to get the hell out of there.