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  • Add components, data controls, or Windows-based controls to a form.
  • Double-click the form in the designer and write code in the Load event for that form, or double-click a control on the form and write code for the control's default event.
  • Edit a control's Text property by selecting the control and typing a name.
  • Adjust the placement of the selected control by moving it with the mouse or the ARROW keys. Similarly, adjust the placement more precisely using the CTRL and ARROW keys. Finally, adjust the size of the control by using the SHIFT and ARROW keys. For information about adjusting the placement of multiple controls at once, see How to: Align Multiple Controls on Windows Forms.
  • Select multiple controls by using either SHIFT+click or CTRL+click. Using SHIFT+click, the first control selected is the dominant control when aligning or manipulating the size. Using CTRL+click, the last control selected is dominant, so the dominant control changes with every new control added. Alternatively, you can select a number of controls by clicking the form and dragging a selection rectangle around the controls that you want to select.
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Visual Basic forms is where you put the objects that people will see on the screen (though it is possible to have hidden things on the form).

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What is the difference between projects and form in Visual Basic 6?

a project in visual basic is a collection of different objects like forms. it is saved with an extension of .vbp. A form in visual basic displays various controls that provide the user interface. it is saved with an extension of .frm.

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Visual Basic create windows form applications. They are things like your Web Browser, e.g. Internet Explorer.

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VBS is Visual basic Script.

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Visual Basic Controls work on Visual Studio for Visual Basic and Applications that made by Visual Basic.

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How can you view the project's form if it is not automatically displayed in the designer?

To view a project's form that is not automatically displayed in the designer, you can look for the form file within the project's directory and open it using a form designer tool like Visual Studio or a text editor. This will allow you to view and make changes to the form's design and properties.

What happens when you click a toolbox control in Visual Basic?

the control appear on the form

The year of invention of visual basic?

Visual Basic was started in 1991.

Who developed visual basic?

Microsoft is the developer of visual basic

Who invented the visual basic?

Visual Basic was created by a team at Microsoft.

What is the difference between visual basic and visual c?

The programming language: Visual Basic is a BASIC-like (or BASIC-derived) language, Visual C is... well C.