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Q: What is financial agreement and exchange of money for shares?
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Which financial institution allows companies to raise money by selling shares of their company to others?

The stock market allows companies to raise money by selling shares of their company to others.

Distinguish between financial and non financial transaction?

A financial transaction is an agreement, communication, or movement carried out between a buyer and a seller to exchange an asset forpayment. It involves a change in the status of the finances of two or more businesses or individuals. The buyer and seller are separate entities or objects, often involving the exchange of items of value, such as information, goods, services, and money. It is still a transaction if you exchange the goods at one time, and the money at another. This is known as a two part transaction, part one is giving the money, part two is receiving the goods.

What is a Monetary sector in an economy?

it consists of objects such as money bonds, shares and other financial instruments

What do selling shares give a company?

money. A company sells a portion of ownership in itself (stock) in exchange for capital.

When you buy shares for a company in the stock exchange where does money go?

Ultimately, the money goes to the previous owner of the stock which can be a company, group, or individual. However, the money passes through different hands depending on how the shares were bought and sold. For instance if you bought shares though an online broker then the shares might be purchased in bundles by the online broker, and then transferred to you. Mutual funds buy shares of various companies on your behalf using money you contributed.

Are equity shares a money market instruments?

Equity shares are long term instruments and hence can not be a money market instrument. They are traded in a market known as stock market. The equity segment of the exchange is different from other markets such as debt market and money markets.

Why does a corporation sell shares of its business?

To get capital(money) to help it to grow.In exchange the shareholders benefit from this when the corporation pays dividends.

What are financial markets?

A market for the exchange of capital and credit, including the money market and the capital market.

How do you calculate financial exposure?

Financial exposure is the maximum amount of money you can loose on a certain investment. financial exposure = financial position * price e.g if you have 100 shares of ABC at $10 each your financial position = 100 and your financial exposure = 100*10 = $ 1000

What are some benefits of keeping money in investment trusts?

Some benefits of keeping money in investment trusts include higher returns on investment, have a minimum of five years to mature, one can borrow money to buy the shares, one can trade at a discount and one can trade the shares at the stock exchange market.

Non financial ,financial?

Financial incentives include money in exchange for work including pay, bonuses, and things the employer pays for the employee such as retirement savings and insurance. Non-financial incentives include praise and food treats.

Financial and Non-financial incentives?

Financial incentives include money in exchange for work including pay, bonuses, and things the employer pays for the employee such as retirement savings and insurance. Non-financial incentives include praise and food treats.