

What is euthanaisa?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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The purposeful murder of a person, usually an animal. This is done through the use of medical injections. There are other defenitions available, and the subject will not be resolved readily in our society. Euthanasia is often considered mercy killing. It can be active or passive, legal or illegal, good or bad and right or wrong depending on personal convictions, religeous training and societal pressures. Some Nations and in the US, the State of Oregon have decided that Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is an acceptable practice. The US Supreme Court has reviewed the Oregon Law and decided the Oregon Law is legal. Other States have made failed attempts to introduce PAS by ballot initiative: In Washington it failed in 1991 by 54 percent to 46 percent. In California it failed in 1992 by the same percentage. Michigan tried in 1998 where it lost by 71 to 29 percent. Maine became very close in 2000 where the vote difference was only a two point spread. In the last 15 years State Legislatures have seen bills legalizing PAS introduced and fail. Seldom discussed, and rarely studied is the prevelance of Mercy Killing within the military services of every nation at combat. Soldiers see the carnage up close and personal, are revolted by it and choose to not live out there lives in a disabled physical state. Under combat conditions Buddy Assisted Suicide is called the Mercenary's Gift. Suicide in the US is no longer a crime. State ordered executions remain a controversial subject. Some Nations will not extradite to countries where state executions are legal. Life is precious, but some believe that the right to a good death is also a fundamental freedom.

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What are the disadvantages of euthanaisa?

The disadvantage in the use of euthanasia is that without doubt it will be abused by corrupt people to end the lives of people as a mater of convenience or for gain.

How do most Americans citzens feel about euthanaisa?

About 61% of Americans support euthanasia. 32% of Americans support doctor assisted suicide. Others say that these practices are morally unacceptable.

What is the Catholic Church's teaching on euthanaisa?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Church's teaching on Euthanasia is covered in paragraphs # 2276-2279. 2277 Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable.Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator. The error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act, which must always be forbidden and excluded.

What are the arguments for and against Euthanaisa?

Arguments for euthanasia include the respect for individual autonomy and the alleviation of suffering, allowing terminally ill patients to die with dignity. It also presents a way to control healthcare costs. Arguments against euthanasia center around the sanctity of life and the potential for abuse, as vulnerable individuals may be coerced into making a decision they do not truly want. Additionally, there are concerns that legalizing euthanasia may undermine the doctor-patient relationship and the role of healthcare professionals as life-savers.

How many types of euthanasia?

Euthanasia: Killing the hopelessly sick for reasons of mercy. Passive: Letting them die. Active: Causing their death. Voluntary: Causing their death at their request. = Assisted suicide. Involuntary: Causing their death against their wishes or interests.